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Writer's picturecloudberryflowers

Growing up and planting out

This week has just flown by. It has been full of the usual chaos going back to school and everyones activities after Easter. It has also been a little bit emotional, with my youngest daughter starting school nursery and all of a sudden seeming all grown up. For the first time in many years it has left me with a couple of hours in the day with no children at home! I wasn’t sure what this was going to feel like. In the end I had no time to think about it too much as my list of jobs in the garden was so long, and the sun was out to get them done!

What you can manage in a couple of hours with no children at home is amazing! I have planted out my first batch of sweet peas and planted my tuberose and ornithogalum thyrsoides bulbs. I also planted out my nigella, sunflower, phacelia, calendula and stocks seedlings under fleece in the cutting patch.

Newly planted out sweet peas


The cutting patch is looking like a sea of fleece tunnels at the moment but hopefully this will help protect the seedlings. Although it is hot in the day the temperatures are dipping at night and next week is supposed to be much colder again.

Lots of fleece tunnels in the cutting patch


In the conservatory I have also sown a few more zinnia and scabious seeds. It has been so hot the doors and windows have been open, so the seedlings don’t overheat. I had to get the watering can out every night and give everything a good drink, which a few weeks ago I would never imagined I would be doing!

I have spotted the first bluebells in the garden and also the first rhubarb. I will be looking forward to a good crumble on a Sunday now!

First bluebell                         First fruit in the garden this year


Flowers for selling are still coming in slowly but the honesty and wallflowers have been putting on a good show this week and I have managed to make a few jam jar posies which smell gorgeous! The first tulip ballerina also came into bloom and I just love its shape and colour.

Honesty                                        Wallflower                              Tulip Ballerina


This weeks jam jar posies


My dahlias are starting to emerge now in their pots and the peonies are really coming on. This time of year is exciting when you see so much new growth. The rhododendrons in the garden are just coming out to put on their spectacular show and another of my favourite shrubs spiraea bridal wreath is starting to look very pretty too. Every year I look forward to seeing exochorda ‘the bride’ flower. Its flowers are beautiful and it is right next to the washing line. I get to enjoy it every time I go with another basket to hang out, which is a lot with 3 girls in the house! I can see it just ready to bloom so I am hoping that might be next week. What favourite spring flowers are you enjoying in the garden at the moment?

Rhododendron                                             Spiraea bridal wreath

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